By Janie Baer
Jesus said, “Shall not doubt in his heart”.
When you live by faith you have to put your body and soul under the control of your spirit.
In Matt 14:24-31 we read the story of Peter walking on the water to Jesus. Peter believed he could get out of the boat and walk on the water. He got out of the boat as an action of his faith and began to walk to Jesus. But then he saw the “wind boisterous” and he became afraid. When he became afraid, he began to sink. He began to sink because he took his eyes off of the Word, Jesus the Living Word, and forgot Jesus’ spoken word to him, “Come”, and he put his eyes on his circumstances and began to sink.
If Peter is in the water, how did he begin to sink? Peter didn’t go down under the water. He was getting lower and lower in the water as he continued to look at the circumstances.
The devil stirs up circumstances to keep you from your destiny that takes faith. What he does is, he tries to distract you and separate you from faith by negative circumstances. He gets you to look at your circumstances so they will drain your faith. That was what happened to Peter.
You have faith but because you keep looking at the circumstances doubt will creep in and then you have a hole in your faith and it starts draining out. You then can’t make it because the supernatural can’t work for you since your faith is not working. The circumstances are designed to take away your faith and then you don’t get the results promised or get results like you used to get. Everything now becomes a struggle and you are just trying to make it and that is when you are sinking.
"While we look not at the things that are seen but at the things that are not seen." (2 Cor 4:18)
You like Peter must walk on the Word for the Word of God will dominate natural laws just as it did when Jesus spoke the word to Peter, “Come”. If you get the Word of God in your heart then you can walk on the Word and do things naturally you couldn’t do. God wants you to do these things because He wants you to stand out; not so that people see how great you are but so they can see how great and mighty He is. So He will give you things to do that are beyond your natural ability because you have potential in you that needs to be exposed. Exposure will occur as you step out where He directs you.
God delights when you step out into places where nothing is under your feet but the Word of God. God is delighted when you step out of the boat, out of your comfort zone, out of the familiar and into a zone where you have nothing to hold you up except the Word of God and if it doesn’t work then you are going down. He delights in this for that’s where the Word works and where it works the best.