I am so happy to include in my blog some writings of my nephew, Jeremy Williams.  Jeremy truly has an amazing intimate relationship with the Lord.  Jeremy will be sharing with us in his writings how God is the only one who brings true, lasting change into our hearts and our lives.  Jeremy is passionate about sharing the grace of God in his writings I know you will find helpful in your walk of faith with the Lord.

Hello, my name is Jeremy Williams. The purpose of this blog is to inform people of the power of God working in my life. From week to week, I’ll be discussing subjects on health, the mind and body connection, society and the nature of the beast, true Christianity, and religion. I hope the things that I have learned and experienced, will be able to help you in your journey in this life. I would like to thank Jane Baer for giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts, beliefs and experiences to the internet society.

My first topic is on the subject of “the need to prove oneself.” For most of my life, I constantly had this problem. I was a “people pleaser” and to make matters worse, I was a hardcore perfectionist. I was always trying to figure out everything to improve a situation and trying to control the situation. If I made a mistake at my job or what I was doing, my mind and heart would go haywire and I would freak out that I had failed. Plus, I would freak out if my boss or co-worker would get upset about my failure. This led me to constantly beat myself up and be my own worst enemy.

Another thing that really fueled my perfectionism was living without sin. Religion always made you feel like that if you have any sin in your life, that there is something wrong with you and you need to stop sinning or else! That put me under constant fear and I felt like my soul and heart was in a prison. I felt like no matter how much I tried to stay out of sin or to please God, it was never enough. I felt like nothing I ever did was good enough. This caused sin to reign in my life. I Corinthians 15:56 says that “strength of sin is the law” and the more we try to prove we can stay out of sin or eliminate sin out of our lives, the more sin will entangle our hearts and we will be imprisoned by it.

After awhile, I started realizing that this was a delusion I was living in due to being exposed to religion and growing up in an environment that fueled with perfectionism. Through the help and guidance of my friends, as well as getting wisdom and understanding from God, I have been able to overcome perfectionism, people pleasing, overcome sin and keep it out of my life.

The first step I took to overcome this problem was to speak to my heart and reprogram it with statements like “I have nothing to prove because I have Jesus Christ’s righteousness.” We have nothing left to prove because when we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts, we receive His righteousness. We become one with Him in the spiritual realm. We can’t prove anything in our own strength because our righteousness is as filthy rags. When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we become kings and priests unto the Most High God. Literally, you are a king through Christ Jesus! Kings never have to prove themselves because they have authority and dominion. When Jesus died on the Cross and rose from the grave, He bought back all authority and dominion that Adam lost when he gave it up to Satan in the Garden of Eden. We have the same authority and dominion on this earth as Jesus did. We just need to receive that revelation in our hearts.

Once I received this revelation, I stopped proving myself to people, to myself and even God. Since then, sin has been losing its power over me. Things that used to bother and stress me out don’t even faze me anymore. It’s all about programming into your heart the fact that you have Jesus’ righteousness and because of that, you have nothing to prove! After the Lord taught me this, He showed me how to apply it at my jobs. There were times that I felt that I didn’t do a good enough job and I was tempted to ask them if they thought I did a good job, but the Lord corrected me and told me that I didn’t need to ask them for their approval because they had a tainted view of reality according to the flesh. The same thing goes for me; I can’t judge my performance either because my flesh has a tainted view on things. When the Lord gave me this wisdom, it brought me even more freedom in not having to prove myself.

The Lord once told me in my heart that whenever He sees me, all He sees is Jesus. That means He sees me perfect through Christ Jesus. If God was still judging me for my sins or failures, then what Jesus did on the Cross wasn’t good enough. We are spiritually perfect and complete through Christ Jesus. We just need to believe that in our heart and soul realm to live it out on this earth.

Every morning I wake up, I always program my heart that I will have an effortless day. Everything that I do will be effortless and easy. I proclaim that everything I put my hands to will prosper. I say that my day will be filled with victory and success. Once I have programmed that into my heart, it effortlessly comes to pass in my life.